Water Well Inventory
Increasing the state’s knowledge of its groundwater resources and making that information available to the public.
The New Hampshire Water Well Inventory Database was initiated in 1984 in conjunction with the passage of state statute RSA 482-B, which requires the licensing of water well contractors and the submission of a well completion report for each new well. These reports provide a record of the well construction details (depth, yield, etc.) along with information describing geologic materials and subsurface conditions at the well site. Thousands of well reports are submitted by licensed water well contractors each year. Currently, the water well inventory database has over 135,000 well records for all types of groundwater wells including:
- Drinking water wells (residential and public water supply).
- Irrigation wells.
- Environmental monitoring wells.
- Geothermal (ground-source heat pump) wells.
As data steward, the New Hampshire Geological Survey (NHGS) is responsible for performing data entry and quality control, and also assists the New Hampshire Water Well Board with reporting compliance issues. The well inventory database is a critical component of the geologic mapping program. It also serves as an important information resource for individual homeowners and homebuyers and real estate developers.
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Inventory Database
The New Hampshire water well inventory database, initiated in 1984, currently contains over 135,000 well records. These reports provide a record of the construction details (location, depth, yield, etc.) along with information describing geologic materials and subsurface conditions at the well site. These records are available to the public and found on NHDES OneStop. For help in your search, read “How To Search For A Well Record.”
Find a Well Record
Did you know?
Did you know?
Wells installed before 1984 are not inventoried. If you can’t find one on OneStop, call the Water Well Program at (603) 271-1974.
Find a Water Well Contractor
Contractors or individuals wishing to engage in the business of water well construction or the installation of water pumps in New Hampshire must be licensed by the New Hampshire Water Well Board. Search for licensed contractor using our Find a Contractor look-up tool or contact the Water Well Program at (603) 271-1974 with questions.
Water well location and construction data aides in making accurate New Hampshire geology maps and assisting homeowners with information regarding their well. Efforts are made to accurately locate (georeferenced) each well, however, the well records may not be accurate enough to pin-point the location on a lot. It is advised homeowners review their site plan through a Subsurface (Septic) Systems Bureau file review to find the approved well location for their property.