Pollution Prevention
Reducing or eliminating pollution at the source.
Pollution prevention, or P2, means reducing or eliminating waste at the source by modifying production processes, promoting the use of non-toxic or less-toxic substances, implementing conservation techniques and re-using materials rather than putting them into the waste stream.
P2 is good for the environment, protects worker health from toxic substances, reduces waste, saves energy, conserves water, reduces the use of toxic chemicals and ultimately saves money! ~ Waste is a Resource Out of Place ~
Since its inception in 1991, the New Hampshire Pollution Prevention Program has helped hundreds of businesses, municipalities, public agencies, organizations and residents to save millions of dollars on everything from materials purchased to water and energy savings, and from hazardous and solid waste management to disposal costs. Our mission is to help New Hampshire businesses, institutions, municipalities and agencies eliminate or reduce waste at the source, instead of paying the cost to dispose of the waste after it is generated.
Compliance and Pollution Prevention Assistance
NHPPP offers free, confidential, non-enforcement compliance and pollution prevention assistance. It’s all about committing to sustainable business practices that include compliance with environmental regulations, advancement of environmental awareness, minimization of environmental risks, reduction in emissions and waste, and conservation of energy and water.
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Benefits of Pollution Prevention
- Saves money.
- Reduces the use of toxic materials.
- Promotes more efficient use of raw materials, staff resources, equipment, energy and water.
- Improves worker health and safety through improved air quality, decreased use of toxic substances, and fewer personnel protective equipment requirements.
- Decreases regulatory requirements by eliminating the need for permits, hazardous waste manifests, monitoring and reporting.
- Improves community relations, company image and customer loyalty.
News for Small Quantity Generators
The SQG News is a digital newsletter designed to help Small Quantity Generators better understand the rules that apply to them. The newsletter covers topics specific to SQGs and is based on responses to a survey sent to generators in 2017. The newsletter is posted in our News Blog and in our document library. For more information or to schedule a free site assistance visit, contact the New Hampshire Pollution Prevention Program at (603) 271-6460 or nhppp@des.nh.gov.
Toxics in Packaging
Packaging is a part of everyday life. It allows the delivery of a wide variety of foods, personal care products, hardware and other consumer goods. However, this packaging is short-lived and is thrown away after the product is opened. Metals present in the packaging can impact the landfill and ultimately the environment and your health. Please read New Hampshire Toxics-in-Packaging Law, review Pay As You Throw Recycling Strategies and Toxics in Packaging or consult Env-Sw 1800: Reduction Of Toxics In Packaging for more information.