Solid Waste

Regulating facilities that manage solid waste and promoting best practices that protect human health and the environment

New Hampshire’s Solid Waste Management Act (RSA 149-M) generally defines "solid waste" as any abandoned or discarded material, including:

  • Household trash.
  • Recyclables (aluminum, cardboard, glass, paper, plastic, etc.)
  • Food waste.
  • Construction and demolition debris.
  • Electronic waste.
  • Infectious waste (sharps and certain medical waste).
  • Animal carcasses.
  • End-of-life motor vehicles.
  • Non-hazardous contaminated soils.
  • Asbestos waste.
  • Commercial and industrial waste.

Solid waste excludes:

NHDES’ Solid Waste Management Bureau (SWMB) regulates the facilities and practices associated with the collection, processing, treatment, recycling, re-use and disposal of solid waste in New Hampshire through a combination of facility permitting, training, data management and compliance programs. The SWMB also provides solid waste planning and technical assistance for regulated facilities, municipalities, businesses and the public.

Document Submittal

The SWMB requires all submittals to be made electronically either via NHDES' OneStop Data Provider portal or email. If the only means of submittal is on paper, a single paper copy is required. Review the Waste Management Division Submittal Requirements and complete a Report Cover Sheet prior to making an electronic submittal. If submittals are made in paper only, submit to:

NH Department of Environmental Services

Waste Management Division, Solid Waste Management Bureau

PO Box 95, 29 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH 03302-0095

Document Review

All public documents received and sent by the SWMB on or after January 1, 2018, are routinely made available for viewing by the public on NHDES' OneStop database, typically within a few days of receipt. Documents received or sent by the SWMB prior to January 1, 2018, are available for review by request directed to the NHDES Public Information Center (603-271-2919;

Unlined Landfill & Incinerator Closure Grants

Providing reimbursement to municipalities for a portion of the costs associated with the closure of an unlined landfill and/or incinerator.