Invasive Species
Prevention and rapid response to exotic aquatic species that threaten New Hampshire’s freshwater systems.
NHDES recognizes the threats invasive species pose to our aquatic resources. In an effort to reduce the introduction of invasive species and manage their spread in the state’s surface waters, the Invasive Species Program has five focal areas: 1) Prevention of new infestations; 2) Monitoring for early detection of new infestations to facilitate rapid control activities; 3) Control of new and established infestations; 4) Research towards new control methods with the goal of reducing or eliminating infested areas; and 5) Regional cooperation.
Invasive Species Program
New Hampshire has been actively involved in protecting our freshwater resources from aquatic invasive species since they were first identified in the state in the 1960s. Today, nearly 100 waterbodies across the state are impacted by growths of aquatic exotic/invasive species.
Aquatic invasive species are those species that are non-native to our area, and that can pose direct impacts to the ecological health and recreational opportunities of our waterbodies.
Grants are available to local lake associations and municipalities for control and/or prevention of state-listed exotic aquatic plants, and to institutions of higher learning for in furthering research associated with exotic aquatic plant management, control, biology, ecology or prevention.
NHDES tracks growths of state-listed aquatic invasive species in freshwaters of the state and maintains an overall list of infested waterbodies. Many of these waterbodies are under active management, and waterbody-specific maps and long-term management plans are also available in the NHDES Lake Mapper Application.
Control Grant Cycle Calendar
September 15 of each year - Completed application form for fund request submitted to NHDES
October 15 of each year - Bids/quotes due to NHDES for review
November 30 of each year - Announcement of Grant Recipients
Prevention and Research Grant Cycle Calendar
September 15 of each year - Announced by NHDES
November 30 of each year - Applications Due
By February 1 of each year - Announcement of Grant Recipients
By December 31 of each year - Final Report Due by Grant Applicant (unless other arrangements are made)
Buy an Out-of-State Boater Decal
Anyone operating a motorboat on New Hampshire public waters that is registered in another state (other than New Hampshire) must purchase and display a New Hampshire aquatic invasive species decal from NHDES, according to RSA 487:43. A decal costs $20, and purchase forms will be available online soon.