Alternative Fuel and Electric Vehicles
Solutions for reducing air pollution from transportation sources in New Hampshire.
The term "alternative fuel," as defined by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Energy Policy Act of 1992, refers to biodiesel, electricity, ethanol, hydrogen, natural gas, propane and new fuels still under development. “Advanced technology vehicles" use new engine, power and drivetrain systems together to significantly improve fuel economy.
There are over a dozen alternative fuels in production or under development for use in alternative fuel vehicles and advanced technology vehicles. Using alternative fuels and advanced vehicles instead of conventional fuels and vehicles reduces greenhouse gas and other harmful tailpipe emissions. Public and private fleets are the primary adopters, but interest is increasing among New Hampshire residents and consumers across the nation, particularly in the fast growing electric vehicle market.
On May 30, 2018, New Hampshire Senate Bill 517 (SB 517) was passed establishing the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Infrastructure Commission to make recommendations on various policies, programs and initiatives related to the use and support of zero emission vehicles in New Hampshire. The first meeting was held on August 24, 2018, and the Commission met regularly through October 30, 2020.
During their term, the Commission developed two annual reports which were submitted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, the Governor and the State Library. The reports describe the activities and findings of the Commission and any recommendations for proposed legislation.
The Commission expired on November 1, 2020, but its reports provide guidance applicable to ongoing electric vehicle efforts in the State. For general information and other details, visit the Commission Details page. To view meeting documents and Commission reports, visit the SB 517 Commission webpage.
Alternative Fuels
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