Water Use Registration and Reporting
Requirements for water users and access to water use data.
In New Hampshire, water use data is collected to support decisions related to the comprehensive management of the state’s water resources. The data is relied on to understand current stresses on water resources and to evaluate the future water needs of a growing population and economy.
Pursuant to RSA 488 facilities using in excess of 20,000 gallons of water per day averaged over any 7-day period, or more than 600,000 gallons of water over any 30-day period are required to register with the Water Use Registration and Reporting Program (WURR) and report monthly water use on a quarterly or annual basis pursuant to standards and procedures established by Env-Wq 2102. Water use refers to the withdrawal of water from surface water or groundwater, transfer of water from one location to another, or return of water to the environment. The WURR Program is a registration and data collection program only and does not issue permit approvals, although some water users report data per the condition of a groundwater or surface water withdrawal permit and/or per water conservation plan rule requirements. There are currently over 800 registered water users in the state reporting water use. Read the “Water Use Registration and Reporting in New Hampshire” fact sheet for more information.
Contact WURR with questions.
Registering and Reporting Data
NHDES provides guidance for registering as a data provider and reporting the data on OneStop, and administers a number of required forms for facilities to report their water use, including intermittent and limited water use.

Did You Know?
Did You Know?
You can look up water use data for any registered water user in the state. In OneStop Data, query by name, location or water use category.