Air Permit

NHDES implements state requirements for the control of air pollution, the majority of which are contained in New Hampshire statutes RSA 125-C and RSA 125-I and rule subtitle Env-A. NHDES also, under agreement with the EPA, implements many federal requirements for the control of air pollution.  

New landfills are typically subject to the Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 60 Subpart XXX, including the requirement to obtain and maintain an air permit. 

Granite State Landfill LLC submitted an application for an air permit on June 29, 2023. The NHDES Air Resources Division is reviewing the application to identify all applicable air pollution control requirements. If NHDES determines that the facility can be constructed and operated in compliance with those requirements, NHDES will prepare a draft permit that includes those requirements. That draft permit will then be published and interested parties invited to provide comments. The comment period will be open for at least 30 days and include the opportunity for interested parties to request a public hearing to also provide comments verbally. NHDES will consider all public comments and issue a final decision on the application.

Application Documents

Additional information regarding the air permitting process is available on the Air Resources Division's Industrial Sources webpage.