Meet the Team

The NHDES Lean Team is comprised of individuals from the Commissioner’s Office, Air Resources Division, Water Division and the Waste Management Division who are educated in Lean techniques and dedicated to process improvement. One thing you won’t hear from a Lean practitioner is the phrase, “Because we’ve always done it that way.” The Lean Team is: Pictured (left to right): Muriel Lajoie, Mike Camacho, Chris Ialuna, Vince Perelli, Dean Robinson, Linda Magoon (Lean Coordinator), Nicole Gianunzio and Tom Guertin. (Camera shy: Sue Bergeron, Robert Cole, Jocelyn Degler, Jenn Dotson, Sara Johnson, Joe McCue, David Smith and Kristen Svendsen.)

group of people pose in front of a wall
Pictured (l-r): Muriel Lajoie (CO), Mike Camacho (ARD), Chris Ialuna (CO), Vince Perelli (CO), Dean Robinson (CO), Linda Magoon (Lean Coordinator-CO), Nicole Gianunzio (WMD), Tom Guertin (ARD). Camera shy: Sue Bergeron (CO), Robert Cole (DoIT), Jocelyn Degler (WD), Jenn Dotson (DoIT), Sara Johnson (CO), Joe McCue (NHDOT), David Smith (ARD) and Kristen Svendsen (CO).