For Immediate Release
Date: June 30, 2022


Amy Smagula, NHDES
(603) 271-2248
Krystal Costa Balanoff, NH Lakes
(603) 226-0299

Northeast states, including New Hampshire, to host first annual Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz

Concord, NH - Hundreds of organizations across the region will be working together to educate the public about aquatic invasive species (AIS) during the first annual Northeast AIS Landing Blitz, to be held July 1 - July 10, 2022. Both staff and volunteer boat launch (landing) inspectors will show boaters how to prevent the spread of AIS, ways to identify AIS, and how to report AIS, which are recognized as one of the most significant threats to the ecological and economic health of the waters in the Northeast. This has been an annual event in the Great Lakes Region, and it is a new event to the Northeast Region. The event is sponsored by state and provincial agencies with the support of the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel (NEANS Panel) and partner organizations.

In New Hampshire, NH LAKES and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) are partnering to bring this event to over 100 public access sites in the state, on some of the busiest lakes in the state. Lake Hosts, who are courtesy boat inspectors in New Hampshire, will be greeting boaters and educating them about the risk of AIS, and performing quick courtesy inspections of recreational gear to ensure that it is free from tagalong AIS, before they launch, and after they leave a waterbody.

“The Landing Blitz is a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about AIS,” said Amy Smagula, NHDES Exotic Species Program Coordinator, “and to partner with other states and organizations to really elevate the message of cleaning, draining and drying boats, trailers and other recreational gear that comes into contact with surface waters. Those simple steps will go a long way in helping to prevent new infestations from occurring in our surface waters, and protecting aquatic ecology, and saving taxpayers’ dollars.”

“And, by always taking time to clean, drain, and dry their boats between waterbodies, boaters are helping to keep our lakes enjoyable and safe for those who enjoy other forms of recreation, like wading and swimming,” added Andrea LaMoreaux, NH LAKES President.

For more information on the Northeast AIS Landing Blitz, including educational materials, location, and volunteer opportunities, visit the NEANS Panel website.