For Immediate Release
Date: April 26, 2024


Sara Johnson
(603) 271-1379

Celebrating National Small Business Week April 28-May 4, 2024

The U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) National Small Business Week recognizes the contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners. More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, creating about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year. According to data from U.S. SBA, over 97% of all businesses in New Hampshire are small businesses with under 20 employees, 39.6% of small businesses are owned by women, 8.9% are owned by veterans, and 4% are owned by a racial minority. To celebrate Small Business Week, consider supporting small businesses by shopping local, sharing on social media and posting reviews.

NHDES, in partnership with other public and private assistance providers, strives to ensure that businesses are operating in compliance with all applicable air and other environmental requirements and providing a safe workplace for their employees, all while maintaining and increasing their competitive edge.

NHDES Programs providing support to New Hampshire small businesses:

  • Small Business Technical Assistance Program provides small business owners and operators with free assistance to help them understand and comply with air and other environmental regulations.
  • Pollution Prevention Program helps businesses, institutions, municipalities, and agencies eliminate or reduce waste at the source, instead of paying the cost to dispose of the waste after it is generated.
  • Industrial Pretreatment Program assists and regulates the pretreatment programs at publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) across the state. A POTW is a municipally owned wastewater treatment facility and all associated wastewater collection infrastructure.
  • Small Quantity Generator Program provides businesses with the opportunity to become compliant prior to an inspection or site contamination and is intended as an effective way to educate and improve compliance and environmental stewardship with the least possible burden.
  • Solid Waste Reduction and Diversion Program encourages integrated systems that support waste reduction where possible, while also managing the waste that is generated in the most environmentally responsible manner available (i.e., reuse, composting, and recycling).

NHDES’ Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTAP) will celebrate Small Business Week by highlighting the program services and other small business assistance providers. The public can follow along on Facebook, X and Instagram pages.

Contact, Small Business Technical Assistance Program Manager.