Announcing the 2024 Picturing Rising Tides Voting Results
Portsmouth, NH - This year, 42 people submitted 90 pictures and videos from 11 communities across New Hampshire’s coastal watershed as part of the New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup’s (CAW) annual Picturing Rising Tides event. The goal of Picturing Rising Tides is to generate visual and written accounts of high tide impacts and showcase the need to plan for an increasing frequency and extent of high tide flooding from sea-level rise and storms. Thank you to everyone who participated this year by submitting and voting for entries.
Members of the public voted online for the most compelling submissions. CAW is excited to share that the following ten photos received the most votes. With a generous donation from Live Free Print & Frame, these ten photos will be printed and displayed at local events, libraries and community centers throughout 2024. 3S Artspace in partnership with the Great Bay Stewards and the Great Bay-Piscataqua Waterkeeper will host the first display on Thursday, April 25 during a region-wide book reading and discussion of the Small Town, Big Oil.
To see larger versions of the photos or to review the full gallery of submissions, visit the CAW website. For questions, please contact Lucy Perkins at (603) 559-9101 / or Lisa Wise (603) 696-4078 /
The New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup is a collaboration of 30+ organizations, including the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Learn more at
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