SWOT: Safety & Risk Management at NH Solid Waste Facilities

Start Date: September 25, 2020
Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Virtual

NHDES has partnered with Primex to discuss safety and risk management for SW Operators. Topics will focus on issues specific to collection/storage/transfer solid waste facilities. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, instructors will spend time discussing personal hygiene procedures, proper use of masks, social distancing and will entertain questions from the audience on their concerns. This class is a NEW Workshop and has been updated from previous Safety Sessions where NHDES partnered with Primex. This training would also be applicable to any DPW employee.


Please visit GoToWebinar to register for this virtual workshop.


Tara Mae Albert, SWOT Coordinator
(603) 271-3713