The New Hampshire Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) Programs will be hosting the 2021 Water Infrastructure Financing Webinar Series May 4-13, 2021. The webinar series will include five (5) days of multiple sessions focusing on funding programs administered by NHDES and topics including funding program updates, crafting warrant articles, green infrastructure, energy efficiency, asset management and more. The intended audience includes current/future loan recipients, community/financial decision makers, public works directors, city/town managers, commissioners, selectmen, municipal and regional planners, consultants/engineers, operators, and others interested in the NHDES-administered funding programs. Click on the links below to register for the Day 1 sessions or view the agenda for more information on the series.
Day 1- May 4, 2021
1:00-2:00pm: The New Hampshire Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) Programs will kick-off the 2021 Water Infrastructure Financing Webinar series with welcome remarks, and program updates- including the 2021 pre-application process, funding allocations, website updates, and more from the CWSRF and DWSRF.
2:30-3:30pm: The ABCs of Borrowing- Stephen Buckley from the New Hampshire Municipal Association will present an introduction to essential budgeting laws for cities and towns: fundamentals of municipal borrowing, limits and purposes of borrowing, how bonds and notes are approved, procedural requirements, role of the official budget committee, warrant article language, revolving loan fund statutes, and do’s and don’ts.
Questions/Contacts: Emily Nichols at: or Kathleen Bourret at: