Public hearing to receive comments on the initial proposal for rules Env-Sw 1100 – Additional Solid Waste Facility Requirements.
Written comments can be submitted until Friday, May 10, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.
Meeting attendance options:
- In person: The hearing will be held in the auditorium, of the DMV building, located at 23 Hazen Drive, in Concord, New Hampshire.
- Virtually: You also may attend the hearing via Microsoft Teams. Information below:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting number (access code): After registering using the above link, interested participants will be provided a confirmation email with information about joining the hearing remotely.
You also may join the meeting by phone:
Call in Number: +1 603-931-4944,,496103550#
Passcode: dnNxEy
Meeting ID: 278 508 159 785
If any questions or technical issues, please contact Jeremy Lewis at 1-860-387-9931 or via email at
More details and a link to the proposed rules are available in the public comment notice.