Drinking Water-Related Grants

There are several grants administered through NHDES intended to help with source water quality and protection.

For a look at other funding options for public water systems in New Hampshire, see this chart: Common Grants & Loan Sources for Public Water Systems.

Large PWS Lead Service Line Inventory Grant

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau (DWGB) is pleased to announce the Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) and Replacement Plan for Large Community Water Systems Grant program. Eligible communities interested in receiving the grant are asked to complete the Large PWS LSLI Grant Program Application. The program budget allows grants of $50,000 to $100,000 based on number of service connections. No community match is required. Total project cost may exceed the grant amount; however, only the grant amount will be reimbursed. 

There is no deadline for this submittal; however, the deadline to complete inventories and replacement plans is October 16, 2024. Grants will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Refer to application instructions for eligibility criteria.


Cyanotoxin Monitoring Equipment and Training Grants

a cyanobacteria bloomSince 2017, NHDES has made grants available to public water systems that utilize surface water sources to assist in the development of programs to monitor their source and finished water for indicators of cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxins. Applicants funded through this program have utilized grant funds for equipment purchases, including handheld fluorometers to monitor for cyanobacterial pigments, microscope cameras for cell enumeration and imaging, and equipment to facilitate the collection of surface water samples.

Projects that involve the collection, analysis or manipulation of environmental (e.g., water quality) data will require a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Grant funds may be used to develop a new QAPP and/or a Site Specific Project Plan (SSPP), the latter being required when there are deviations from an approved QAPP. If the equipment and/or activities are currently addressed within the existing US EPA Cyanobacteria Monitoring Collaborative (CMC) QAPP, applicants may be able to cite that document rather than developing their own. Past applicants have used grant funds for the reimbursement of expenses associated with the development of a SSPP.

For the 2020 round of grants, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Water System Sustainability Grant Program

The 2024-2025 Water System Sustainability Grant Program offers grants intended to assist community water systems (CWS) with developing programs that will ensure sustainable operations and identify potential improvements in technical, managerial and/or financial operations, also known as capacity development. Grants that will be offered in the upcoming round include:

  • Asset Management Grants of up to $30,000 for developing new asset management programs or up to $20,000 for improvements to existing asset management programs; and
  • Strategic Planning Grants of up to $30,000 for developing preliminary engineering and/or hydrogeological reports.

All grants will require a match of 50% of the awarded grant amount.

Each water system may apply for multiple funding opportunities, but in order to ensure efficient use of funds, each project must be independent of each other. Similarly, any water system that has previously been awarded an asset management grant must complete that grant project before applying for a new asset management grant.

The application period for the 2025 round of grants is now open! The application and additional information are available at the links below.

Applications are due by November 15, 2024. 


Leak Detection Survey Grant

water leaks from a pipeThe NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau has offered the Leak Detection Survey Grant since 2010. This grant is open to all community water systems in New Hampshire. Selected applicants receive a free leak detection survey by a professional leak detection firm that is retained by NHDES through a competitive bid process.

The grant program is administered in annual grant rounds. The application for each grant round is available in June, and the leak detection survey is conducted during the following field season (typically April to November). For example, the application for the 2023 field season was available in June 2022.

These surveys are an important way of discovering leaks on a system’s water mains, service lines, hydrants and valves. Proactive leak detection and repair can reduce a water system’s pumping and treatment costs, provide an opportunity to better manage and prioritize system projects, and protect water supply quality and quantity.

The application period for the 2025 grant round is open. To apply for a free leak detection survey, please complete the online application and submit a copy of your maps to waterconservation@des.nh.gov by 4:00pm on October 15, 2024.



Local Source Water Protection Grant Program  

Since 1997, NHDES has made small grants to water suppliers, municipalities and other local organizations for the purpose of protecting drinking water sources. Protection projects funded through this program have included delineation of wellhead protection areas, inventorying potential contamination sources, development of local protection ordinances, groundwater reclassification, shoreline surveys, drinking water education and outreach activities and controlling access to sources. 

The application for the 2025 round of grants is due on November 1, 2024. For more information regarding Local Source Water Protection Grants, please contact Melissa Lang at (603) 271-2950 or Pierce Rigrod at (603) 271-0688.  

Click on the links below to download a grant application, Request for Award form, Quarterly Report Form or see a list of previously funded projects.


Community Water System Tank Inspection Grant

The Tank Inspection Grant is intended to assist active community water systems with potable water storage tanks of 25,000 gallons or less and a population served of 1,000 or less, and will be applied toward a full tank inspection, cleaning and findings report. No match is required from the community. Projects will be funded in full by the grant.

Through a separate, competitive bid process, NHDES will select a contractor that will provide services to selected communities to fully clean, inspect and compile a full report of the findings for the inspected drinking water storage tanks. 

The application period for the 2024 round of grants is currently closed. 

For additional information regarding technical assistance for small public water systems, see the Small PWS Help Center.