How Do Your Rates Compare?
The 2024 New Hampshire Water and Wastewater Rate Dashboard is now available with updated rate information from New Hampshire water systems. The dashboard can be used as a tool to help guide decisions about water and wastewater rates, providing rate comparisons, financial metrics and other system performance measures. Water rates should be designed to provide a sustainable and reliable revenue source for the system to recover the full cost of providing water service, including maintaining the desired level of service by properly funding operations and repairs and replacements of infrastructure.
In addition to serving as a useful tool for water systems, NHDES uses the rates in the dashboard to calculate principal forgiveness for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Pre-Applications. This year’s rate analysis was contracted out to the Environmental Finance Center (EFC) at UNC-Chapel Hill. Drinking water and wastewater system managers were asked to respond to a survey to report any changes to rates since 2023 or no changes in water rates.
If you have any questions about using the dashboard or if you would like to update the rate data displayed for your water system, please contact Katie Curtis at