Another Year, Another Successful NHDES Asset Management Workshop
The 2021 annual NHDES Asset Management Workshop was held on December 16 in Pembroke. The workshop focused on “Data in the Water Industry” and how the data that systems collect every day can be used to improve their technical, managerial and financial operations. The workshop was attended by over 100 people, representing 37 New Hampshire towns and cities, as well as 4 other states, offering a diverse mix of operators, consultants, administrators, facility managers and software vendors. Two tracks were available to attendees - one for beginners or those just being introduced to asset management and one for intermediate to advanced attendees who were interested in taking their asset management programs to the next level. Presentations included a review of NHDES’ Asset Management Handbook and Toolkit, overviews of small systems and how they use and process data, how systems can use energy savings to help support equipment upgrades, communication strategies to facilitate relationships with the community and stakeholders, and case studies focused on business development. Copies of the presentations can be found below. This year’s upcoming workshop will be held on November 3, 2022 in Pembroke, N.H., and will focus on “Demystifying Asset Management.” We hope to see you there!
Workshop Presentations:
Business Case Development, Kevin Campanella and Sharon Nall
Communicating Asset Management: Salem's Story, John Vogl
Identifying the Data Pieces Needed to Build a Business Case, Sharon Nall, NHDES
Introduction to Asset Management, Eliza Styczynski, NHDES
NHDES Update on ARPA Funding and Programs, Tracy Wood, NHDES
Small Utility Does Not Mean Small Thinking, Bob Harrington and Sam Clark
The Best Things Come in Small Packages, Erick Toledo, RCAP
The Best Things Come in Small Packages, Michele Decoteau
Using Energy Savings to Help Support Equipment Upgrades, Steve Bolles
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