May 19, 2022
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Location: Franklin Training Center
Presenters: Richard "Dick" Emberley, Mark Kondelis and John Adie
CEU’s 0.5 or TCH 5.0
This class offers a review for those registered for grades I and II of the WW Certification exams. We will review basic math calculations including perimeters, surface areas, volumes, and flow rates. Basic laboratory calculations such as BOD, TSS, and VSS will be covered, as well as percentage calculations. Basic math skills will be applied to calculations of detention times, surface loading rates, sludge volumes, chlorine dosages, and percentage of BOD removal. The NHDES sanctioned wastewater formula sheet will be distributed at the beginning of class. Bring a calculator and pencil. Training hours approved for Wastewater programs.