SRF: 2021 Water Infrastructure Financing Webinar Series-Day 2: Small Systems Morning Session

May 5, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Virtual

The New Hampshire Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) Programs will be hosting the 2021 Water Infrastructure Financing Webinar Series May 4-13, 2021. The webinar series will include five (5) days of multiple sessions focusing on funding programs administered by NHDES and topics including funding program updates, crafting warrant articles, green infrastructure, energy efficiency, asset management and more. The intended audience includes current/future loan recipients, community/financial decision makers, public works directors, city/town managers, commissioners, selectmen, municipal and regional planners, consultants/engineers, operators, and others interested in the NHDES-administered funding programs. Click on the link below to register for this particular session or view the Agenda for more information on the series.  

DWSRF Small Systems Session This session will focus specifically on small drinking water systems (serving less than 1,000) and the DWSRF process. Taking on a drinking water infrastructure project and navigating the process to do so can be overwhelming for small water systems typically run by a group of volunteers. The NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau (DWGB) Small System Section and DWSRF Program staff are dedicated to helping small systems successfully complete DWSRF funded projects to provide customers with safe, reliable, efficient, and affordable drinking water. During the morning session, DWBG staff will provide small public water system participants with an overview of the funding program and application process from application submittal, project design, bid, construction through construction completion, and disbursement process.

9:00-9:30 Pre-Application, Final Application, Loan Documents, Disbursements

9:30-10:00 Federal Requirements (Environmental Review, Davis Bacon, American Iron & Steel, Disadvantaged Businesses)

10:00-11:00 Overview of Design, Bid, Construction & Business Plan Project Requirements
