Location: Army National Guard Edward Cross Training Complex, Pembroke, NH & Virtual
NHDES will hold its 2023 Drinking Water Source Protection Conference on Tuesday, May 16, in-person, at the Army National Guard Edward Cross Training Complex in Pembroke, NH. This year’s conference will feature presentations on:
- US EPA’s National Strategic Roadmap for PFAS.
- State legislative and Drinking Water Program Funding Updates.
- UNH research on the distribution and fate of PFAS in surface water.
- How to adopt municipal water use restriction codes applicable during drought.
- Examples and partnerships to conserve critical water supply lands.
- Case studies on adopting effective local zoning that protects groundwater quality.
- Public water system monitoring and response to cyanobacteria blooms.
The conference fee is $45 and includes light refreshments/lunch.
REGISTER for the event at the American Ground Water Trust website.
Registration questions? Contact AGWT: Cheryl@AGWT.org or (603) 228-5444. Other questions? Contact Pierce Rigrod at NHDES: pierce.rigrod@des.nh.gov or (603) 271-0688.